HUAWEI Band 10

HUAWEI Band 10
鋁合金機身1 | 專業睡眠分析3 | 情緒健康2
平均睡眠 HRV 與睡眠分析4
AI 智慧健身偵測
100 種運動模式5
  • 45 分鐘
  • 充電時間
Android & iOS6
透過 CNC 鑽孔和切割工藝精心打造的鋁合金機身1,感受紋理表面質感和驚人的細節,展現令人驚艷的設⁠⁠計。
A close-up image of green HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing its craftsmanship and design
設計通風舒適,搭配親膚的彈性氟橡膠錶帶,HUAWEI Band 10 無論在活動或休息時都能全天候佩戴而不感到負⁠⁠擔。
  • 8.99 mm7


  • 15 g7


A side view of purple HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its thin and sleek profile
Side view carousel of HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its colors and materials
Side view carousel of HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its colors and materials
Side view carousel of HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its colors and materials
Side view carousel of HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its colors and materials
Side view carousel of HUAWEI Band 10, highlighting its colors and materials
  • 向新綠
  • 托帕藍
  • 流光紫
  • 拂曉粉
  • 曜石黑






The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
主題錶面和 Always-On-Display(AOD)帶來獨具特色的錶面設計,包括情感主題的熊貓華華、星空微夢、Power Joy、超級錶面、相片或穿搭錶面8,透過自訂風格及功能,將您的穿戴時尚提升到全新水平,將您的手環變成一款經久耐用的穿戴單⁠⁠品。


  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
  • The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
    The dial loops on the black HUAWEI Band 10, showcasing the richness of the watch faces
A male user of HUAWEI Band 10 view their sleep data on their smartphones, showcasing the device's sleep health management feature
利用高靈敏度指標「平均睡眠 HRV」,了解您的睡眠和生活習慣如何影響長期健康。當您的健康指標偏離個人正常範圍時,系統會立即發送提醒通⁠知。


這項指標表示你在夜間睡眠時的平均心率變異度(HRV)。較高的睡眠 HRV 可能代表身體放鬆及較快的壓力舒緩,而較低的數值則表示疲勞程度提高及較慢的壓力舒緩。你需要配戴手環至少 7 天才能獲得個人化的 HRV 範⁠圍。
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying HRV while you are asleep
這項指標表示你在夜間睡眠時的平均心率變異度(HRV)。較高的睡眠 HRV 可能代表身體放鬆及較快的壓力舒緩,而較低的數值則表示疲勞程度提高及較慢的壓力舒緩。你需要配戴手環至少 7 天才能獲得個人化的 HRV 範⁠圍。
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying sleep apnea-related data on the screen, showcasing the device's sleep apnea monitoring feature
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying sleep health-related data on the screen, which showcases the device's ability to comprehensively analyze sleep health
The phone interface displays periodic sleep data alongside a front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, showing the sleep score. This highlights the device's ability to analyze sleep quality
A front view of the blue HUAWEI Band 10, with the sleep mode activated on the screen
The phone interface displays meditation content, highlighting HUAWEI Band 10 sleep-assisting feature
A front view of the blue HUAWEI Band 10, with the sleep mode activated on the screen
The phone interface displays meditation content, highlighting HUAWEI Band 10 sleep-assisting feature
HUAWEI Band 10 emotional assistant watch faces, which showcases the device's emotional health management capabilities
HUAWEI Band 10 emotional assistant watch faces, which showcases the device's emotional health management capabilities
HUAWEI Band 10 emotional assistant watch faces, which showcases the device's emotional health management capabilities
Purple HUAWEI Band 10 features the Panda Huahua watch face, which highlights the device's emotional health management capabilities
The phone displays Emotional wellbeing interface, while the purple HUAWEI Band 10 shows the Panda Huahua watch face, highlighting the device's emotional health management capabilities
The phone displays Emotional wellbeing interface, while the purple HUAWEI Band 10 shows the Panda Huahua watch face, highlighting the device's emotional health management capabilities
HUAWEI Band 10 emotional assistant watch faces, which showcases the device's emotional health management capabilities
Purple HUAWEI Band 10 features the Panda Huahua watch face, which highlights the device's emotional health management capabilities
The phone displays Emotional wellbeing interface, while the purple HUAWEI Band 10 shows the Panda Huahua watch face, highlighting the device's emotional health management capabilities
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the monitoring interface, highlights the device's pulse wave arrhythmia analysis function
透過 PPG 感測器14即時偵測並提醒潛在的心房顫動和早期心律不整風險,隨時掌握您的心臟健⁠康。
透過 PPG 感測器14即時偵測並提醒潛在的心房顫動和早期心律不整風險,隨時掌握您的心臟健⁠康。
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the heart rate and blood oxygen monitoring interface,which highlights the device's ability to provide heart rate and SpO2 measurements
A front view of green HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the stress monitoring interface,which highlights the device's stress monitoring function
A front view of the pink HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the menstrual cycle calendar view,which highlights the device's female health management capabilities
The phone interface displays family members' health data, while the blue HUAWEI Band 10 shows related health data, highlighting the device's Family Space feature
Three users wearing HUAWEI Band 10 are engaging in different sports, showcasing the device's support for over 100 sports modes
100 種運動模式5
輕鬆運動無負擔,同時擁有高效智慧手環的完整功能。無論是衝刺跑、游泳或健行,HUAWEI Band 10 都能追蹤您的每個動作,並在手指輕觸間提供豐富的運動數⁠據。
A user wearing green HUAWEI Band 10 is swimming in a pool, with the device displaying swimming-related data on its screen. This highlights the band's AI swimming stroke recognition feature
  • 95%17
  • 準確度保證
搭載先進的九軸感測器和 AI 智慧動作識別技術,提供精準的游泳划水數據和圈數記錄(保證 95% 的準確度⁠17),並具備 5 ATM 防水等級⁠18,助您在游泳時締造佳⁠績。
Three users wearing HUAWEI Band 10 are engaging in different sports, showcasing the device's support for over 100 sports modes
100 種運動模式5
輕鬆運動無負擔,同時擁有高效智慧手環的完整功能。無論是衝刺跑、游泳或健行,HUAWEI Band 10 都能追蹤您的每個動作,並在手指輕觸間提供豐富的運動數⁠據。
輕鬆運動無負擔,同時擁有高效智慧手環的完整功能。無論是衝刺跑、游泳或健行,HUAWEI Band 10 都能追蹤您的每個動作,並在手指輕觸間提供豐富的運動數⁠據。
A user wearing green HUAWEI Band 10 is swimming in a pool, with the device displaying swimming-related data on its screen. This highlights the band's AI swimming stroke recognition feature
  • 95%17
  • 準確度保證
搭載先進的九軸感測器和 AI 智慧動作識別技術,提供精準的游泳划水數據和圈數記錄(保證 95% 的準確度17),並具備 5 ATM 防水等級,助您在游泳時締造佳⁠績。
搭載先進的九軸感測器和 AI 智慧動作識別技術,提供精準的游泳划水數據和圈數記錄(保證 95% 的準確度17),並具備 5 ATM 防水等級,助您在游泳時締造佳⁠績。
A front view of black HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the call notification interface,which highlights the device's reminder feature
A front view of black and green HUAWEI Band 10, both displaying schedule information,which highlights the device's calendar reminder function
Blue HUAWEI Band 10 shows the corresponding "Find My Phone" screen, highlighting the device's ability to help locate a connected phone
  • 來電通知19
  • 多色手電筒
  • 計時器
  • 鬧鐘
  • 遙控拍照22
  • 音樂控制23
  • 尋找手機
  • 勿擾模式
  • 天氣
  • 日出與日落
  • 碼錶
  • 月相
  • 心率廣播
  • 尋找手環
  • 螢幕解鎖
  • 佩戴更久,充電更⁠快
    充電 5 分鐘即可使用達 2 ⁠天,或充電 45 ⁠分鐘將手環充滿,一次可使用達 9 ⁠天!在一般使用情況下,享受長達 8 ⁠天⁠24的電池續航力,必要時可延長至 14 ⁠天⁠24

    *啟用 AOD 時:3 天電池續航⁠力⁠24

    • 45 分鐘


    A side view of purple HUAWEI Band 10, displaying the charging interface,which highlights the device's fast-charging capability and long-lasting battery life
  • 多設備兼容
    HUAWEI Band 10 兼容 iOS 和 Android6,使用更方⁠便。
    The phone displays HUAWEI Health app, while the black HUAWEI Band 10 shows the three rings watch face, highlighting the device's extensive compatibility with various devices
  • 經久耐用
    手環支援 50 m 防水深度18、多功能特性,並且能夠承受達 8 項嚴格的耐用性測試,陪你上山下海,風雨無⁠⁠⁠憂。
    • 跌落測試

    • 滾筒測試

    • 重壓測試

    • 防水測試

    • 按鍵耐久測試

    • 溫度衝擊測試

    • 溫度循環測試

    • 高溫

  1. 只有托帕藍和流光紫版本的 HUAWEI Band 10 配備經 CNC 加工拋光的鋁合金機身外⁠⁠殼。
  2. 本產品不適合醫療用途。所有數據僅供參考,不應作為診斷或治療的依⁠據。
  3. 本產品不適合醫療用途。所有數據僅供參考,不應作為診斷或治療的依⁠據。
  4. 本產品不適合醫療用途。此功能僅能透過華為健康應用程式使⁠用。
  5. 100 種運動模式:戶外騎行功能僅支援搭配具備 GNSS 功能且執行 EMUI 5.0/iOS 13.0 或更新版本的手機使⁠用。
  6. 僅適用於配對執行 EMUI 6/Android 9.0/iOS 13.0 或更新版本且已安裝華為健康應用程式的手機。實際功能可用性可能因手機型號和作業系統而⁠異。
  7. 數據來自華為實驗室。實際尺寸和重量可能因個別產品和測量方法而有所不同。配備鋁合金外殼的產品重 15 克,而配備耐用聚合物外殼的產品重 14 克。
  8. 可從錶面商店下載更多錶面(包括付費錶面)。錶面可能因版權原因被刪除或調整。請參考 Huawei Health 應用中的列⁠⁠表。
  9. 本產品不適合醫療用途。所有數據僅供參考,不應作為診斷或治療的依據。此功能僅能透過華為健康應用程式使用,且僅在特定市場支⁠援。
  10. 此功能僅通過 Huawei Health 應用中的健康三葉草可⁠⁠用。
  11. 此功能僅通過 Huawei Health 應用可用。部分服務為付費服⁠務。
  12. 僅提供三款熊貓主題錶面。
  13. 情緒趨勢僅在最新版本的 Huawei Health 應用中可用,需與執行 64-bit Android 或 iOS 的手機配對。此功能不兼容 32-bit Android。
  14. 本產品不適合醫療用途。所有數據僅供參考,不應作為診斷或治療的依據。此功能僅在特定市場支⁠援。
  15. 本產品不適合醫療用途。所有數據僅供參考,不應作為診斷或治療的依⁠據。
  16. 僅在配對 Android 手機且執行最新版本的 Huawei Health 應用時可用。每個帳號最多可追蹤 10 人,且最多可有 20 位追蹤⁠者。
  17. 資料來自華為實驗室。
  18. 本產品符合 ISO 22810:2010 標準的 5 ATM 防水等級,表示設備可承受 10 分鐘 50 公尺靜水壓力,但並不代表產品在 50 公尺深的水中具有防水性能。本設備可在游泳池或海岸進行淺水活動時配戴,但不應在潛水、跳台跳水、熱水淋浴、溫泉、桑拿或其他深水活動或涉及快速流水的活動中配戴。在海水中配戴後,請用清水沖洗設備。如需了解更多關於華為穿戴設備防水性能的資⁠訊。
  19. 來電通知功能僅在配對執行 Android 10.0 或更新版本的手機時可⁠用。
  20. 此功能僅適用於配對華為或 Android 手機時可用,不支援 iPhone。
  21. 如果您使用 iPhone 且手機螢幕關閉時,由於鈴聲播放受 iOS 控制,可能無法回應尋找手機功能。鈴聲和音量為預設值且無法更⁠改。
  22. 僅在配對執行 EMUI 8.1/iOS 13.0 或更新版本的手機時可⁠用。
  23. 僅在配對執行 Android 8.0/HarmonyOS 2/iOS 13.0 或更新版本的手機時可⁠用。
  24. 14 天最長電池續航力是在以下條件下測試:心率偵測持續開啟、夜間 TruSleep™ 關閉、每週平均運動 30 分鐘、開啟訊息通知(每天 50 則訊息、6 通電話和 3 個鬧鐘),以及每天喚醒螢幕 200 次。資料來自華為實驗室。實際使用時間可能因個別產品、使用習慣和條件以及環境因素而⁠異。
    8 天標準電池續航力是在以下條件下測試:心率偵測持續開啟、夜間 TruSleep™ 開啟、自動血氧測量和壓力偵測啟用、每週平均運動 60 分鐘、開啟訊息通知(每天 50 則訊息、6 通電話和 3 個鬧鐘),以及每天喚醒螢幕 500 次。資料來自華為實驗室。實際使用時間可能因個別產品、使用習慣和條件以及環境因素而⁠異。
    啟用 AOD 時的 3 天電池續航力是在以下條件下測試:AOD 開啟、心率偵測持續開啟、夜間 TruSleep™ 開啟、自動血氧測量和壓力偵測啟用、每週平均運動 60 分鐘、開啟訊息通知(每天 50 則訊息、6 通電話和 3 個鬧鐘),以及每天喚醒螢幕 500 次。資料來自華為實驗室。實際使用時間可能因個別產品、使用習慣和條件以及環境因素而⁠異。
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