Huawei Share

Huawei Share
Smart, versatile connectivity.
Real-time interactions, supported by cross-system, multi-screen collaboration.
Share the screen, keyboard, and mouse, to enjoy effortless convenience.
Share files, images, and data to send your work efficiency through the roof.
Connecting Devices
You'll need to establish a connection between two of your devices in order to access certain features.
Multi-Screen Collaboration
Multi-Screen Collaboration turns your computer and phone or tablet into a seamless efficiency unit, supporting drag-and-drop file transfers, sharable keyboard input and mouse navigation, and cross-device document editing.
File Sharing
Transfer and then edit files to and from your device of choice, without consuming any mobile data.
Data Syncing
With a sharable phone-computer clipboard, you can copy-and-paste content between the two devices with effortless ease. Documents that were recently opened on your phone can even be automatically synced to your computer!
你即將跳轉至第三方網站, 華為對第三方網站概不負責及無法控制。
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