Unable to access an IP address when connecting to a Wi-Fi network

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Unable to access an IP address when connecting to a Wi-Fi network

After connecting to a wireless network, you need an IP address in order to be able to access the Internet. If your device fails to obtain an IP address, here are several troubleshooting steps you can try.

- It is possible that too many devices are connected to the wireless network. Please disconnect some of them and try again.

- Restart the router, disable and re-enable the Wi-Fi, or restart your phone, then check if the issue was resolved.

- Try to set a static IP address. On your device, go to Settings > Wi-Fi and tap on the name of the network you want to connect to. Enable Show advanced options, select IP Settings > Static and set the IP address and the other parameters by referring to the settings on other connected devices.

- Perform a network reset. On your device go to Settings, search for Reset network settings and perform the reset. This will delete all of your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections. Once the reset is completed, try connecting your device to the Wi-Fi again.

If none of the above solved the issue, back up your data and take your device and proof-of-purchase to an authorised HUAWEI Customer Service Centre or contact HUAWEI Customer Services for further assistance.

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