Unable to find the Speed dial/Contacts service card on my HUAWEI phone screen or it does not respond

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Unable to find the Speed dial/Contacts service card on my HUAWEI phone screen or it does not respond


  1. The user creates a Contacts or Phone service card, but when they touch the service card, it does not respond or disappears after a period of time.
  2. The Speed dial settings are no longer available after a period of time.


The Speed dial settings or Contacts service card disappears
  • You may lose Contacts if you perform a System update, sync contacts to or from the Cloud, delete or merge Contacts data, or log out of your Cloud account and then log in again. Re-set your speed dial contact list, or create the Contacts service card again.

You may have logged in to multiple devices using your HUAWEI ID. It is recommended that you log out of other devices, and try again.

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