Add Email Accounts

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Add Email Accounts

Add your email account in Email and you can use your phone for convenient email access at any time.

Add a Personal Email Account

  1. Open Email on your phone and select from the available mailbox providers or touch Other.

  2. Enter the email address and password, touch Sign in, and follow the onscreen instructions to configure the server settings. The system will automatically connect to the server and check the server settings.

Add an Exchange Account

Microsoft Exchange enables digital messaging within a company. If your company mailbox uses the Exchange server, you can log in to your company email account on your phone.

  1. Contact the company email server administrator to obtain the domain name, server address, port number, and security type.

  2. Open Email, and select Exchange.

  3. Enter the email address, username, and password.

  4. Touch Manual setup. On the Account setup screen, set parameters such as the email domain name, server address, port number, and security type.

  5. Touch Next, then follow the onscreen instructions to complete the configuration. The system will automatically connect to the server and check the server settings.

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