The sources of apps provided in Petal Search

Applicable products: Tablet,Smartphone
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The sources of apps provided in Petal Search

Petal Search provides millions of apps obtained from HUAWEI AppGallery and other third-party app stores for you to choose from. Petal Search prioritizes offering you apps obtained from HUAWEI AppGallery. If the apps you want are not available in HUAWEI AppGallery, Petal Search will display search results in the following sequence: Official websites > available sources from third-party app stores > web links > sources from third-party app stores that are labeled as "may not be compatible" (meaning that the app version may not be compatible with your device model).

If you cannot find the apps you want or the apps you downloaded cannot be used properly, please stay tuned for updates from Petal Search. We are trying to add more available app sources.

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