HUAWEI Scale 3

HUAWEI Scale 3 Intelligent body fat scale

HUAWEI Scale 3 Intelligent body fat scale

10+ Body Indicators




Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Connections

Losing Weight is Different from Getting Slim

Under the same weight, fat is about 3 times the size of muscle. That’s why people with a higher body fat rate look bigger. Meanwhile, low skeletal muscle rate makes it difficult to lose weight as well. Keep track of your body fat rate and receive skeletal muscle assessments with the HUAWEI Scale 3. Losing weight can be professional too.

HUAWEI Scale 3 body fat test

About 20% Body Fat Rate

HUAWEI Scale 3 body fat test

About 35% Body Fat Rate

HUAWEI Scale 3 body fat test

About 15% Body Fat Rate

HUAWEI Scale 3 body fat test

About 35% Body Fat Rate

Detailed Body Composition Analysis

Leveraging Huawei Health app2, a detailed body composition analysis will be generated for your convenience. Based on the scientific analysis, the app also provides you guidance to help you gain better results.

HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report
HUAWEI Scale 3 body composition analysis report

Track Your Workout Journey

HUAWEI Scale 3 helps you track every step towards fitness3. The refreshed record keeps you updated about your workout effect. You can adjust your workout mode and Customise fat-burning plan accordingly.

HUAWEI Scale 3 workout effect evaluation

Dual Connections Make it Much Easier

Connect HUAWEI Scale 3 with both Wi-Fi4 and Bluetooth to experience more convenience. Once connected with Wi-Fi, you can step on the scale without opening the app. Based on historical data, it can intelligently identify family members. All the record will be automatically uploaded to the cloud and sent to related accounts5, so you can view it on your phone whenever and wherever you want.

HUAWEI Scale 3 wifi and bluetooth dual connection

Bluetooth Connection

HUAWEI Scale 3 wifi and bluetooth dual connection

Wi-Fi Connection

HUAWEI Scale 3 wifi and bluetooth dual connection

A Host Needs Guest Mode

Your scale can be shared with your guest too. Open Huawei Health app, put in your guest information and the scale will be ready to go. Guest mode also protects your guests' data which will be deleted after the measurement.

HUAWEI Scale 3 guest mode

Detailed Design, Practical Experience

With tempered glass panel and pure white appearance, HUAWEI Scale 3 gives you a clean detailed design. Thousands of tests have made the scale panel layout suitable for different age groups6, and the 3.5 mm low scale feet and silicone rubber non-slip pads also allow you to measure steadily at any time.

HUAWEI Scale 3 id design

Huawei Quality Always Puts You First

HUAWEI Scale 3 is strictly tested throughout the whole production process, only to bring you a safer, reliable and superior user experience.

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

Salt spray test

35 °C, NaCl, 24 h

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

Temperature shock

-25 °C to +70 °C, 48 h

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

Controlled drop test at room temperature

12 cm, 10 times, marble surface,
drop from the front

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

Short drop

4 edges + 4 corners, 10 cm,
100 times, marble surface

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

Steel ball drop

70 cm, 1040 g

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

High and low temperature storage

-25 °C/70 °C, 24 h

HUAWEI Scale 3 high quality

High and low operating temperature

5 °C/40 °C, 24 h

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