Check the number of battery cycles your computer has gone through

Applicable products: PC
Applicable system: Windows 10, Windows 11
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Check the number of battery cycles your computer has gone through

Battery cycle count: A battery is not a count of how many times you have charged your computer, it’s how many times you have used all of the battery’s power.

For example, if you let your computer battery drop to 25% and charge your computer fully at night, then use the 25% in the morning, even though you still have power, this is once cycle. Your computer discharged 100% of its battery. That is to say, a battery cycle can be completed over multiple days, and is a measure of how much power has been consumed cumulatively.

To check your battery cycle, perform the following.

  1. Press the Win and R keys at the same time to display the Run window and enter cmd. Click OK.

  2. Type in Powercfg/batteryreport and press Enter. You will be given a file path to find your battery life report. Copy the path.

  3. Paste the path in the browser and press Enter. The number displayed after CYCLE COUNT under Installed Batteries is the battery cycle count.

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