Screen Glass Replacement
Start from 349 EGP

Lower Price


Additional 180
Days Warranty

* Only selected HUAWEI models will participate in this activity

Screen Glass Replacement
During the activity period,
specified models of HUAWEI can enjoy the repair of external screen from 349 EGP.
During the activity period,
specified models of HUAWEI can enjoy the repair of external screen from 349 EGP.
Lower Price
Great prices of new screen glass replacement
for out of warranty repair for selected models.
Great prices of new screen glass replacement
for out of warranty repair for selected models.
Quality Assurance
Glass screen replacement with quality assurance.
Additional 180 Days Warranty
Screen Glass replaced carry a warranty for 180 days
from the date of repaired device delivered/picked-up.
Screen Glass replaced carry a warranty for 180 days from the date of repaired device delivered/picked-up.
All Participating Models and Prices
Type Product Activity Price (EGP)
Y Series Y6p 349
Y7a 349
Y7 Prime 2018 409
Y7 Prime 2019 409
Y8p 409
Y9a 409
Y9s 409
Y9 2019 409
Y9 Prime 2019 409
nova series nova 3i 499
nova 7i 499
nova 7 499
nova Y61 499
nova Y90 499
G Series GR5 2017 349
Mate series Mate 10 lite 349
P Series P20 lite 349
P30 lite 349
MatePad Series MatePad T3 7inch 450
MatePad 10.4 550
MatePad 10.4 WIFI 550
MediaPad Series MediaPad T3 10 450

* Please refer to this webpage as more models will be added, also you can follow with our hotline team.
* Normal Price is an approximate price including material and labor fee and it isn't considered as a reference for front cover price. For front cover normal price please check updated spare part price which related to this model

Identify External Screen Damage
  • Check the display after powering on
  • Check for cracks by light or torch

• If the display is normal and the screen is intact after switching on, then only the external screen is broken and can be replaced separately.

• If there is a black screen, incomplete screen display, white bars, splash screen after powering on, the inner screen may also be damaged.

• If visible cracks are found on the outer surface under light. This means that only the external screen is damaged and can be replaced separately.

• If distinctly different cracks are found on the inner and outer surfaces in the light, the inner screen is also damaged.

* The above method is for reference only, please refer to the actual test at the service center.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Q: What's the period of Screen Glass Replacement?

  • 2. Q: What is the quality of new screen glass ?

+ More
Terms & Conditions

Screen Glass Replacement activity is launched by HUAWEI Device (Hong Kong) Co., LTD (“HUAWEI”) and applicable to some HUAWEI smart phone models .This Service activity will be available according to stock availability and announced models.

Service content: Screen Glass Replacement

Screen Glass Replacement: For only selected HUAWEI smartphone models, you can replace the broken glass only instead of replacing the whole front cover with lower prices. Customer can enjoy this service as long as:

1. His mobile phone model is one of participated models in this activity.

2. There is available stock of spare part for this model

3. The Screen Glass only is broken while the LCD is working fine (the inner screen shouldn’t be broken )

4. The customer signs the “External Screen Repair Risk Commitment”

Kindly Note that:

1. Spare parts replaced during the out-of-warranty repair are subject to a 6-months manufacture warranty from the date of replacement. (According to local laws & regulations )

2. Screen Glass Replacement will not fix any LCD issues like spots, lines ..etc

3. The quality of glass will be good as we tested it a lot but it will not be like the original glass which provided with the device from beginning.

4. HUAWEI Services HK assumes no liability or responsibility in respect to defect or deficiency of the Offers or the nature/consumption of the offers and will not entertain any direct correspondence with anyone in this regard.

Important Notes

1. All materials of HUAWEI website are protected by the copyright laws of each country throughout the world. Except for cases permitted in writing, it is prohibited to use any material (including duplication, modification, uploading, presentation, transmission, distribution, licensing, sales, and publication) by the copyright laws except for non-commercial and personal purposes. If you want to use any materials on the HUAWEI official website, you need to obtain prior consent from HUAWEI.

2. While HUAWEI will use reasonable efforts to include accurate and up to date information on the HUAWEI websites, HUAWEI makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy, correctness, reliability or otherwise with respect to such information, and assumes no liability or responsibility for any omissions or errors (including, without limitation, typographical errors and technical errors) in the content.