Desktop icons are not visible on the external monitor used as the primary display
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Desktop icons are not visible on the external monitor used as the primary display |
After connecting an external monitor to the HUAWEI computer in Extended mode and setting it as the primary display, the desktop icons are still displayed on the computer screen and not on the other monitor.This is caused by the fact that Windows 10 gives priority to the current layout of the desktop icons. If that layout cannot be maintained on the external monitor, the icons will be displayed on the computer screen instead.To solve this, please try the troubleshooting steps below.
- Change the size of the desktop icons. Right-click on the screen, go to View and select Large, Medium or Small icons, according to your preference.
- Change the resolution of the computer screen.Click the Windows icon and then the Settings icon and go to System > Display. Set the Display resolution of the computer screen to match the resolution of the external monitor.
- Change the scaling ratio of the computer screen.Click the Windows icon and then the Settings icon, go to System > Display and adjust the scaling ratio under Scale and layout
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