Terms & Conditions
1. The current model which support HUAWEI Loss Care are as following:
Model |
Model RRP |
HUAWEI FreeBuds Pro 4 |
RM899 |
HUAWEI FreeClip |
RM899 |
HUAWEI FreeBuds 6i |
RM399 |
2. The charging case and other accessories of your audio product is not covered by HUAWEI Loss Care. If both earbuds of your audio product is lost or damaged, only one earbud can be purchased at the Discounted Price. The other earbud(s) must still be purchased at its normal price based on the Normal Price for spare part as set out at https://consumer.huawei.com/my/support/sparepart-price/.
3. The service period of HUAWEI Loss Care:
The HUAWEI Loss Care is valid only 1 or 2 years from the date of purchase depending on the device model. Please read the related terms for the specific device model. The HUAWEI Loss Care is only valid until the 11:59PM of the expiration date. For e.g., if you purchase earbuds which comes with HUAWEI Loss Care on the 10th January 2022, the expiration date for service is 11:59PM, 9th January 2023. You can inquire about the service through My HUAWEI App or Official Website at Warranty Query.
4. If your earbuds product was replaced (same model) due to manufacturing faults within 7 days of purchase according to our standard warranty policy, your service rights under HUAWEI Loss Care of your original earbuds product will be automatically transferred to the new earbuds product replaced and the Service will restart from the date of replacement.
5. If your earbuds product is replaced due to any other reason however (outside 7 days of purchase), the new earbuds product will only inherit the remaining Service Period of the HUAWEI Loss Care for the original earbuds. If not the same model of earbuds product is replaced, HUAWEI Loss Care will be rendered invalid and no refund for the HUAWEI Loss Care will be provided.
6. The following scenarios are not covered by the service of HUAWEI Care:
Any modification, disassembly, or repair of the host Product without HUAWEI's authorization.
The IMEI/SN of the host Product (charging box) are missing, damaged, or altered.
* It is no longer possible to determine whether the Product is covered under this service.
Accessories or consumables (including charging case, power adapter, battery, data cable) etc. damaged or lost.
Product has exceeded its original warranty period.
Products was sent to third-parties other than HUAWEI Authorized Service Centers for repair.
Product failure and damage caused intentionally.
* By owning HUAWEI Loss Care (“Service”) or requesting for the services pursuant to the Service, you consent to the collection, use, disclosure, transfer, storage and such other processing of the personal data provided, including contact details, device details, you service information by HUAWEI for the purposes relating to the Service pursuant to the applicable personal data protection laws in Malaysia, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. HUAWEI will use and process the personal data provided for purposes related to Service, including but not limited to the provision of the Service and any administrative matters to facilitate the management and organizing of this Service. The personal data provided will be disclosed to and processed by the operators of the HUAWEI Authorised Service Center for purposes of relating to the Service. The personal data provided may further be disclosed and/or transferred to HUAWEI's principal head of office in China and to any of its offshore affiliates or group of companies for the purpose of facilitating and supporting HUAWEI based on the similar purposes stated above. Whenever HUAWEI discloses and/or transfers your personal data to 3rd party or outside Malaysia, HUAWEI will ensure that appropriate security measures are taken. HUAWEI will retain the personal data provided for this Service for no longer than is necessary for the purposes of the Service, unless extending the retention period is required or permitted by law. If you object to the processing of personal data for the purposes stated herein, you will not be able to purchase or use the Service. For more information on how HUAWEI protects personal data and how you can exercise your rights to access, correct and limit the personal data provided herein, please visit and read: https://consumer.huawei.com/my/support/service-privacy-notice/.
* Dengan memperoleh HUAWEI Loss Care (“Perkhidmatan”) atau meminta perkhidmatan menurut Perkhidmatan, anda bersetuju dengan pengumpulan, penggunaan, pendedahan, pemindahan, penyimpanan dan pemprosesan lain data peribadi yang diberikan, termasuk butiran hubungan, butiran peranti, maklumat perkhidmatan anda oleh HUAWEI Technologies (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. (“HUAWEI”) untuk tujuan yang berkaitan dengan Perkhidmatan menurut undang-undang perlindungan data peribadi yang terpakai di Malaysia, termasuk Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010. HUAWEI akan menggunakan dan memproses data peribadi yang diberikan untuk tujuan yang berkaitan dengan Perkhidmatan, termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada penyediaan Perkhidmatan dan sebarang urusan pentadbiran untuk memudahkan pengurusan dan penganjuran Perkhidmatan ini. Data peribadi yang diberikan akan didedahkan kepada dan diproses oleh pengendali HUAWEI Authorised Service Center untuk tujuan berkaitan dengan Perkhidmatan. Data peribadi yang diberikan mungkin selanjutnya didedahkan dan/atau dipindahkan kepada pejabat utama HUAWEI di China dan kepada mana-mana sekutu luar pesisir atau kumpulan syarikatnya untuk tujuan memudahkan dan menyokong HUAWEI berdasarkan tujuan serupa yang dinyatakan di atas. Setiap kali HUAWEI mendedahkan dan/atau memindahkan data peribadi anda kepada pihak ketiga atau luar Malaysia, HUAWEI akan memastikan langkah keselamatan yang sesuai diambil. HUAWEI akan mengekalkan data peribadi yang disediakan untuk Perkhidmatan ini tidak lebih daripada yang diperlukan untuk tujuan Perkhidmatan, melainkan melanjutkan tempoh pengekalan diperlukan atau dibenarkan oleh undang-undang. Jika anda membantah pemprosesan data peribadi untuk tujuan yang dinyatakan di sini, anda tidak akan dapat membeli atau menggunakan Perkhidmatan. Untuk maklumat lanjut tentang cara HUAWEI melindungi data peribadi dan cara anda boleh menggunakan hak anda untuk mengakses, membetulkan dan mengehadkan data peribadi yang disediakan di sini, sila lawati dan baca: https://consumer.huawei.com/my/support/service-privacy-notice/.