Collection Points:only providing the services of collecting faulty machines.
  • *Owing to possible changes in the quantity and business status of physical stores/service centers, there may be discrepancies between your search results and actual conditions. The search result information on this page is for reference only.
  • The map service on this page is provided by 3rd party providers for your convenience. There may be discrepancies between the locations and routes shown on this map and actual locations and routes. Thank you for your understanding.

  • *由於服務中心的數量和業務狀況有可能發生變化,你的搜索結果與實際情況可能有差異。 本頁面的搜索結果信息僅供參考。
  • 為能給您方便查看,本頁面的地圖服務由第三方供應者提供。 地圖上顯示的位置和路線與實際位置和路線之間可能存在差異。 謝謝你的理解。
  • 是否允許自動定位?
