Can a HUAWEI ID be associated with both a phone number and an email address?

Applicable products: PC,Tablet,Smartphone
Applicable system: EMUI 3.0, EMUI 3.1, EMUI 4.0, EMUI 8.0, EMUI 4.1, EMUI 5.0, EMUI 8.1, EMUI 5.1, EMUI 9.0, Android 8.1.0, EMUI 8.2
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Can a HUAWEI ID be associated with both a phone number and an email address?

Yes. You can visit the account center, touch Associate account, and then touch Phone or Email to associate the HUAWEI ID with your phone number or email address. After the verification is successful, the association is complete. A HUAWEI ID can be associated with both a phone number and an email address only when the phone number and email address have not been used to register another HUAWEI ID or associated with another HUAWEI ID.

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