Light Painting
Light Painting |
Light painting helps you capture light trails by allowing the shutter to stay open for a longer time. No manual aperture and shutter adjustment is involved.
Just choose from the available options depending on the subjects and light conditions. To reduce camera shake, a tripod is recommended to steady your device.
Capture Car Light Trails in Traffic Trails Mode
Traffic trails mode lets you create artistic photos of car tail lights at night.
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.Find a spot where you'll see the light trails created by cars from a distance. Ensure that car headlights do not point directly at the camera, as this can overexpose the image.
Touch to start shooting. Observe the shot in the viewfinder. When the exposure is just right, touch to finish shooting.
Capture Light Drawings in Light Graffiti Mode
Light graffiti lets you create patterns or write words by moving a light source in front of the camera.
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.In a dark environment without distracting light sources, move a suitably bright light source of an appropriate colour, such as a small torch or glow stick, in front of the camera. Avoid exaggerated body movement as this may affect the shooting results.
Touch to start shooting. Observe the shot in the viewfinder. When the exposure is just right, touch to finish shooting.
Capture Rivers and Waterfalls in Silky Water Mode
Silky water lets you capture silky smooth photographs of waterfalls and rivers.
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.This feature works best when taking photos of a stream or waterfall where the water is flowing heavily.
Touch to start shooting. Observe the shot in the viewfinder. When the exposure is just right, touch to finish shooting.
Capture the Beauty of the Stars in Star Track Mode
Star track lets you use your camera to capture the movement of the stars in the night sky.
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.For best results, choose a clear night in a location free of light pollution and with an unobstructed view of the sky.
Touch to start shooting. Observe the shot in the viewfinder. When the exposure is just right, touch to finish shooting.