How to add or remove the HUAWEI Assistant∙TODAY icon to/from the home screen?

Applicable products: Tablet,Smartphone
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How to add or remove the HUAWEI Assistant∙TODAY icon to/from the home screen?

HUAWEI Assistant∙TODAY 2x.xx.xx and later versions (you can check the version by touching profile icon and going to About )support HUAWEI Assistant∙TODAY shortcut on home screen. To do so, perform the following:

Touch the profile picture icon in the upper left corner and touch Settings to setting page, then choose add to home screen. Return to the home screen you can see the shortcut added. You can also move the shortcut as you like.

Remove the HUAWEI Assistant∙TODAY shortcut

To delete the shortcut, touch and hold the shortcut on the home screen and you can choose Remove.

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