Replacing the battery of a HUAWEI mouse

Applicable products: HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse (2nd Generation),HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse,HUAWEI Bluetooth Mouse (2nd Generation)(/cd23-u、/cd23),HUAWEI Wireless Mouse
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Replacing the battery of a HUAWEI mouse

Determine whether the mouse battery needs to be replaced

Replace and install the battery for a mouse

Determine whether the mouse battery needs to be replaced

  • View by the mouse indicator (applicable to WYN/CD23/CD23-U/AF30/CD20)

    As shown in the following figure, when the mouse low battery indicator/LED indicator blinks red, the mouse battery level is low and the battery should be replaced.

  • View through system settings (applicable only to mouse devices connected via Bluetooth)

    Take the mouse that is connected to a Windows computer via Bluetooth as an example. Press Win () + I on the computer to open the Settings window, click Bluetooth & devices, and under the connected mouse, you can view the remaining battery level of the mouse.

  • View by moving the mouse cursor

    If the mouse cursor on the device screen does not respond when you move the connected mouse, the battery level of the mouse may be low, and the battery should be replaced.

Replace and install the battery for a mouse

Open the top cover along the buckle or the mark on the tail of the mouse, press the positive battery terminal to take the old battery out. Place an AA battery inside the mouse, following the positive and negative signs in the battery compartment, and close the top cover. The following figure uses the CD26 SE mouse as an example.

For a WYN mouse, after the battery is installed, align the front end of the top cover with that of the mouse body, and gently press the rear end of the top cover to reinstall the top cover.

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