Your moment, your music
Do more with the music you love. Stream all the songs, albums and artists you want. Discover a vast catalog of music, personalized radio stations and curated playlists for every mood and occasion on HUAWEI Music.
Install NowMusic for every mood
We’ve curated playlists for every scenario – whether you’re studying, baking, driving, in the shower or at the gym. Explore music categorized by genre, ranging from Cantopop to R&B, as well as music that matches your mood.
All-scenario, cross-device streaming
HUAWEI Music supports all-scenario streaming across a variety of HUAWEI devices, from smartphones and smartwatches, to tablets and smart speakers. Connecting to your favorite music has never been easier.
Identify music you're
curious about
Equipped with an AI matching system, HUAWEI Music is able to identify multiple songs playing in other apps and generate playlists automatically. Now you can easily find the songs you want to save.
Personalize your listening
Create the best listening experience for yourself with a variety of audio modes. You can choose to
highlight the bass, simulate the acoustics of a concert hall, or adapt the music for in-car
HUAWEI Histen Sound Effects also comes with a 3D Audio mode, which adds a layer of depth to reproduce a
more immersive soundscape.
Customized themes and skins
Spruce up your virtual music player with personalized skins. Whether you prefer chic minimalism or a bold, artistic style, you can choose a look as individual as your taste in music.
Stay on pace with music
Tailored specially for workouts, HUAWEI Music’s Running Music provides songs to warm up, exercise and cool down to. Use music as your metronome, and find songs that match your running pace.
Host a music party
Immerse yourself in a surround-sound experience while playing the same song across different HUAWEI devices on the same network. All you have to do is enable Party Mode to sync playback.