HUAWEI M-Pencil Tips

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HUAWEI M-Pencil 笔尖

Compatible with HUAWEI M-Pencil (2ⁿᵈ generation)

HUAWEI M-Pencil Tips Replaceable

Replaceable Pen Tips, Remarkable Experience

Switch between two different pen tips, to write or sketch on a whim. The transparent pen tip is specially crafted with an all-new "microcrystal elastomer" material, which enhances the traction between the tip and screen, for an effortless handwriting experience. The non-transparent pen tip flawlessly matches the white stylus body.

HUAWEI M-Pencil 笔尖 透明设计

Swivel to Switch

Gently rotate the pen tip, to remove and replace with greater ease, and naturally capture your inspiration.

HUAWEI M-Pencil Tips easy setup

*The tablet and HUAWEI M-Pencil (2nd generation) are sold separately.

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