The sound from the speakers is too low or quiet, or noise is audible

Applicable products: Tablet,Smartphone
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The sound from the speakers is too low or quiet, or noise is audible

Check whether the headset icon is displayed on your phone

If the headset icon is displayed on your phone when no headset is connected, your phone will play no sound in speaker mode. For more details, please refer to The headset icon is displayed even though no headset is plugged in.

Keep the speakers clear of obstacles

Ensure that the speaker holes are not obstructed by the protective case or any other objects.

Clean the speaker grille

Use a soft brush moistened with alcohol to clean the speaker grille, then check whether the issue is resolved.

Inspect the audio components

Go to My Huawei app or Support app on your phone and find the following paths. My Support app > Support > Checkup > Calling and Internet > Sound Issues, and follow the onscreen instructions to start diagnosing any issues with the device's audio.

(Before doing so, update My Huawei app to the latest version by opening AppGallery on your phone, searching for My Huawei app, and installing the update. Alternatively, open the My Huawei app on your phone, go to Me > Settings > Check for updates, and update the app to the latest version.

  • If the audio components are working properly, restart your phone or change the audio source and try again.
  • If any issues are found, back up your data and take your device and proof of purchase to an authorized Huawei Customer Service Center for assistance.

If the issue persists

If the aforementioned measures do not work or you still have concerns, back up your data and take your device and proof of purchase to an authorized Huawei Customer Service Center for assistance.

More knowledge:

Muffled voice or noise during calls in Receiver mode

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