Wake the computer using your mouse

Applicable products: PC,Desktop
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Wake the computer using your mouse

  1. Right-click the Windows icon and select Device Manager.
  2. Expand Mice and other pointing devices. Right-click HID-compliant mouse and select Properties.
    • In Mice and other pointing devices, there are two devices named “HID-compliant mouse”, and only the external mouse can be used to wake your computer. To check for this information, right-click HID-compliant mouse and select Properties. The external mouse's Location will be displayed as on USB Input Device.
    • You are unable to use Bluetooth mouse to wake the computer as Bluetooth mouse is disabled when the computer is in sleep mode.
  3. In the pop-up HID-compliant mouse Properties dialog box, go to Power Management tab, and check Allow this device to wake the computer. Click OK.

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