What Should I Do If the Call Cannot Be Connected Immediately?

Applicable products: Smartphone
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What Should I Do If the Call Cannot Be Connected Immediately?

If the call cannot be connected immediately, or you cannot hear the voice right after answering the phone, please refer to the following methods to troubleshoot:

If the signal is poor when answering the phone, please move to the place with better signal. Because if the network signal is poor, it will take more time to connect to the network, which leads to the slow answer.

If the signal is good, then you are suggested to turn on VoLTE. VoLTE (Voice over LTE) uses 4G LTE data to place HD calls, which brings you a more vivid calling experience with shorter call-waiting time and higher quality.

Please go to Settings > Mobile network > Mobile data > VoLTE HD calls, and enable it.

VoLTE is available in some phone models, if you cannot find the function, then it is not supported by your phone.

VoLTE is supported by the carriers, please contact them to subscribe it.

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