How to change or reset the Petal Mail password

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How to change or reset the Petal Mail password

The password of your Petal Mail account is the same as that of your HUAWEI ID. You can reset your Petal Mail password by resetting your HUAWEI ID password by going to Reset Password.

Method 1: If you want to reset your password on the web page, go to Reset password in Security Center, enter your Petal Mail address, and obtain a verification code to reset your password. This is possible due to you linking your account with a security phone number during registration.

Method 2: If you're using a Huawei mobile device, you can reset the password in either of the following ways:

  1. If you have not logged in to your account, open Settings, touch the profile picture icon to access the login screen, touch Forgot password?, and perform operations as prompted.
  2. If you have logged in with your HUAWEI ID, open Settings, touch the profile picture icon, then go to Account center > Account security > More > Security center > Reset password.
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